Our Values

Our business and our mission succeed when we live our values in all that we do.


We strive to share engaging, accurate information that’s based on scientific  research and practise-based evidence. We avoid fads and gimmicks that prey on women’s insecurities or are simply bad science.


We are scientists, doctors, and coaches. We’re also mothers, wives, daughters, friends, leaders and colleagues. We’re women trying to keep it all together. We show up as ourselves so we can be real and relatable and pragmatic and useful.


We are respectfully and constructively honest when we communicate what we think, our opinions and ideas. We’re honest when we don’t know, and we’re honest when we get it wrong.


We believe that together we are greater than the sum of our parts. We nurture a culture of collaboration by staying connected, curious and engaged.


We care about each other. We care about each others’ expertise, talents, ideas and passions. We care about how we make people feel.


We listen to the experiences of others and we learn from them. We believe everyone’s experience of being a woman is valid and important.


We work hard to ensure our business grows so we can continue to challenge the status quo for women in sport, in work and in society.