August 9, 2022 9:22 am

Circuit training for midlife women

A great strength and conditioning circuit especially for women in midlife


This circuit is a great way do some strength and conditioning work in midlife – this is aimed at the intermediate level and can be regressed and progressed appropriately. It’s important to build as you progress through the session, but keep enough energy in reserve to work through the circuit.


Total session time: ~45 minutes

Warm-up: 10 minutes of flowing movement

Cardio circuit, levels 1 & 2: ~15 minutes

Cardio circuit, levels 1, 2 & 3: ~20 minutes

Cool-down: 10 minutes of stretching

Equipment (optional): ball, resistance band, weights

TWHQ’s Menopause Course shows what, how and why to take care of the body (all of it) at the dawn of midlife

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