July 18, 2022 12:22 pm

Play it Forward

The Female Body Course is the first of four TWHQ CPD courses now live
This course doesn’t skip the embarrassing bits. It doesn’t peddle maybes and probablies. Evidence-based, it is the female body. It illuminates every bit of her and – from menstrual cycles to breasts, hormones and brains – the parts that make her, well, her.

Every single professional who works with or otherwise supports girls and women needs this information. Every. Single. One. As is, professionals, coaches, parents, teachers, volunteers – well-intentioned as they might be – train girls and women to a standard that doesn’t account for the unique parts of her mind, body and experience.

It’s a problem. A systemic one. But we’ve recently been toiling with another …

Can we give it away?

The Well HQ’s three co-founders have spent two decades apiece working in professional sport, science and medicine. We’ve spent three years building what we know into our CPD courses, and another one year custom-coding it all into a smooth e-learning platform.

The upshot – we’re ready to go.

The question – what do we charge?

Again, we need this information in the hands and brains of the many so how do you price that? The obvious answer is to give it away but a) we’d go bust and b) we’d only contribute to an existing perception problem.

On that, women’s health / sport are so chronically underfunded, underappreciated and underinvested that giving a new gold standard away for nothing would only feed the narrative. Women’s health doesn’t matter – see they give it away for free. It’d be a hall pass for policymakers to keep up bad habits.

Okay. We have to charge something but can’t make it cost-prohibitive.

Let’s try something different …

Play it Forward

Market research tells us some CPD course providers charge upwards of £1,000. Ours is 10% of that; the lowest we can get away with. It’s £99, with a twist.

A twist? We invite every buyer to overpay on the £99 by as much (or as little) as you like. We use the surplus to buy courses for coaches and volunteers where cost is more of a barrier.

Again, we all (everyone) need this information to land in communities, grassroots systems, school clubs and beyond. We need this to be the default playbook.

We did the maths and worked out that for every coach who retrains in the female body, 71 girls and women will directly benefit each and every week. Seventy one per coach per week.

As a campaign, it’s called Play it Forward. On first glance that’s a naff old pun on pay it forward but, really, it’s more play the tape forward …

Because if we can all work together to get this information into enough hands and brains, we can, not long from now, foresee a national tipping point where a new standard can become the new standard.

That happens and she’s in a better place. We all are.

This model, we think, has that potential. Don’t get me wrong this is a massive business gamble for us, but should it pay off we can start to build on a bedrock that already touches every postcode.

Conventional pricing won’t get us there fast. This might.

So please help us Play it Forward. Please help us democratise a better way. To turn a new gold standard into the gold standard. This might be her body but it’s everyone’s future.

TWHQ offer four groundbreaking, evidence-based courses on the female body across her different lifestages.

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If you have any feedback, complaints or comments please email us at hello@thewell-hq.com

As a reminder, the content of the course belongs to The Well HQ. You have permission to access and use the content yourself or, if you are an organisation, for the number of users selected, but are not otherwise permitted to share such content with others, all in accordance with our Course Terms and Conditions.