September 21, 2022 2:44 pm

Managing the menstrual cycle

Here are our top tips for managing menstrual cycle symptoms:

Period Pain

Ibuprofen: take proactively (before the pain gets really bad) and consistently (throughout a whole day(s).

Heat: apply to tummy, or use warm baths.

Exercise: Aerobic (low intensity) and Yoga, (there are some specific yoga poses which can help).

Nutrition: Do you have any diet triggers which make symptoms worse? (these can be things like caffeine, alcohol, processed foods, cows dairy).

Breast Pain

A good fitting bra can alleviate breast pain. Always use a sports bra for activity.

Ensure a flawless fit (especially if your breast size changes across your cycle).

Heavy Periods

Ibuprofen can reduce menstrual flow by up to 50%.

Nutrition: Eat foods high in Omega III, avoid cow’s dairy.

The Mirena IUD or other hormonal contraceptives can lighten or eliminate bleeding.


Stay hydrated by drinking regularly throughout the day – check your urine is a pale straw colour.

Avoid drinking caffeine to excess, and ensure you are eating regularly throughout the day to keep blood sugar levels stable (avoid simple sugars, go for complex carbs)


Exercise: Aerobic Exercise and Yoga.

Nutrition: Get lots of magnesium, Zinc, Calcium, Vitamin D in your food, and avoid diet triggers such as alcohol and caffeine.

Bowel Changes

Ibuprofen can help with diarrhoea during periods.

Nutrition: Eat little and often.

Limit alcohol, caffeine and fizzy drinks.

Cut down on sugary or processed high fat foods. Limit fresh fruit to 3 portions per day.


Nutrition: Eat little and often.

Chew your food well (10 to 20 chews per mouthful). Only have 1 portion of fruit at a time and avoid fruit juices and smoothies.

Reduce salty and processed foods, stay hydrated (Your wee should be pale straw colour)

Exercise: Aerobic exercise, find yoga moves for digestive health.


Nutrition: fill your diet with energising foods like brown rice, potatoes, spinach, lentils, chickpeas.

Ensure all meals contain a source of protein, plenty of veg and a source of wholegrain carbs.

Space meals evenly and regularly throughout the day to stabilise blood sugar.

Exercise: restorative exercise like yoga, low intensity aerobic exercise.

Use these tips for managing menstrual cycle symptoms, and couple with cycle tracking to predict which symptoms you’ll have when and act preemptively!

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