January 23, 2022 10:05 am

A guide to Women’s Health Physios

At a recent workshop I took, 0 out of 20 women knew what a Women’s Health Physio is. If you’re a woman, you need to know …

Women’s Health Physios

They are amazing and if you don’t need to see one right now, you’ll certainly know someone who does and will most likely need to go yourself at some point. So I am taking this opportunity to step up onto the soap box and tell you all about the wonderful work that they do.

Don’t wait 10 years before seeking help

Women’s Health Physios (WHP) are highly trained, intelligent and compassionate women who assess and treat pelvic dysfunction. At a Pelvic Floor Party I went to (yes, it’s a thing and it was brilliant – champagne and nibbles included!) I heard that women wait an average of 10 years before seeking help – and they seek help only when the GP is female, old enough and seems interested.

This is appalling – women are in pain, recovering from traumatic births years after the fact; weeing themselves, unable to control their bladder or bowel, having painful sex or no sex as if it’s OK and there’s nothing that can be done.

Well guess what – a lot can be done if you make an appointment!

Return to an active life

If you’ve recently had a baby (regardless of how it was delivered) and want to return to an active life, make an appointment. I went along after my first baby purely by chance. I thought it would be interesting and if I’m honest assumed I’d be totally fine. So I was really pleased when I scored almost 1 out of 5 on a pelvic health test; thinking it must be a reverse scale.

Nope. I was at the bottom of the scale. Pretty much a zero. I couldn’t believe it, I was strong and healthy but the scan showed I could barely activate my pelvic floor let alone lift it. My pelvic floor was in a bit of a state and needed specific exercises to heal. I was told not to even think about running for five months.

Find time for your pelvic floor

I imagine most of you are thinking that this sounds great — but how am I going to find the time and money. In short you need to make the time and find the money. A consultation will cost around £90 for the initial appointment and £70ish for follow ups.

We spend hundreds servicing our cars each year and they only push air out of their exhaust. You only have one pelvic floor and you need to take good care of it.

It’s amazing how your body can change with the help of an expert.

How to hook up with a WHP

  • Try your GP for a referral, especially if you’re concerned. Women’s Health Physios do exist on the NHS but as you can imagine they’re super busy and you may have to wait.
  • Book a private one – there are plenty and I’d suggest using the Squeezy App Directory website

TWHQ’s Female Body Course is a comprehensive study and action guide so women of all ages can tune in and level up

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